SmileBASIC4 Replica Reference
1. Set the instrument sound waveform

WAVSETA InstrumentNumber,Attack,Decay,Sustain,Release,Array[,ReferencePitch][,WaveStart][,WaveEnd]

・Version 3 compatibility mode
・Depending on sample length and reference pitch, correct pitch may not be produced.



Instrument number for setting the waveform: 224 to 255


Time to increase the volume to maximum: 0 to 127 (faster as the value increases)


Time until the volume decreases from the maximum value and becomes constant: 0 to 127 (faster as the value increases)


Volume when extending the sound: 0 to 127 (louder as the value increases)


Time until volume decreases to 0: 0 to 127 (faster as the value increases)
・When the release is set to 0, the playback sound cannot be stopped with BGMSTOP, but it can be forcibly stopped with the SNDSTOP command.


A 1D array containing waveforms
・One element is treated as one sample of 8 bits. (128 is subtracted and treated as a value of -128 to 127)


Specify the note number of the pitch of the defined waveform.

・The default is 69 ("O4A": A of octave 4).


Specify the index of the top position of the waveform.

・0, if not specified.


Specify the index of the end position of the waveform.

・If not specified, it'll be the end of the array.


DIM W[2048]
WAVSETA 224,127,0,0,127,W,69,0,2047
BGMPLAY "@224O4A1" 
2. Set the instrument sound waveform

WAVSETA InstrumentNumber,Attack,Decay,Sustain,Release,Array,ReferencePitch,LoopStart,LoopEnd,SampleFrequency[,Offset][,BEEPLoopFlag]

・Accommodates waveforms as long as the sound memory capacity allows (at a sample frequency of 48000Hz for about 80 seconds)
・Loop setting and sample frequency can be specified.
・Depending on the sample length, reference pitch, and sample frequency, the correct pitch may not be produced.



Instrument number for setting the waveform: 224 to 255


Time to increase the volume to maximum: 0 to 127 (faster as the value increases)


Time until the volume decreases from the maximum value and becomes constant: 0 to 127 (faster as the value increases)


Volume when extending the sound: 0 to 127 (louder as the value increases)


Time until volume decreases to 0: 0 to 127 (faster as the value increases)
・When the release is set to 0, the playback sound cannot be stopped with BGMSTOP, but it can be forcibly stopped with the SNDSTOP command.


A 1D array containing waveforms
・One element is treated as one signed 16-bit sample.


The note number of the pitch of the defined waveform

・The default is 69 ("O4A": A of octave 4).


The index of the top position of the loop of the waveform (with offset)

・0, if not specifiied.


The index of the loop end position of the waveform (with offset)

・If not specified, it'll be the end of the array.


Waveform sample frequency (in Hz): 1 to 96000

・The default is 28160.


The index of the reference start position of the array

・0, if not specified.


Specify whether to loop when playing waveform in BEEP

・0, if not specified (does not loop).


DIM W[2048]
WAVSETA 224,127,0,0,127,W,69,1024,2047,44100,0,#false
BGMPLAY "@224O4A1" 
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June 3, 2020
by mim