・When overwriting, the file before overwriting is saved as @BACKUP.GRP.
・The execution result can be obtained with the RESULT function.
・The value of RESULT is 1 for success, 0 for failure, and -1 for cancellation.
Only GRP can be specified
・If not specified, GRP is specified.
Name to give the save file
Graphic pages to save: 0-5
Specify the upper left coordinate of the area you want to save (0 and 2047 for both X and Y)
・If not specified, 0,0 is specified.
Specify the size of the area you want to save (both width and height are 1 to 2048)
・An error occurs if the result of adding the start point X and width or the start point Y and height exceeds 2048.
・If not specified, 2048,2048 is specified.
SAVEG "GRP:GAZOU",0 SAVEG "GAZOU_ICHIBU",3,100,100,300,300
・The high compression format can be saved in a smaller file than the normal compression format, but the image quality decreases each time when it is saved (lossy compression).
・When overwriting, the file before overwriting is saved as @BACKUP.JPG.
・The execution result can be obtained with the RESULT function.
・The value of RESULT is 1 for success, 0 for failure, and -1 for cancellation.
Only JPG can be specified
Name to give the save file
Graphic pages to save: 0-5
Specify the upper left coordinate of the area you want to save (0 and 2047 for both X and Y)
・If not specified, 0,0 is specified.
Specify the size of the area you want to save (both width and height are 1 to 2048)
・An error occurs if the result of adding the start point X and width or the start point Y and height exceeds 2048.
・If not specified, 2048,2048 is specified.
Specify a value that represents the compression amount and image quality (1 to 100)
・The smaller the number, the higher the compression ratio, but the image quality decreases.
・The default is 60.
SAVEG "JPG:GAZOU",0,80 SAVEG "JPG:GAZOU_ICHIBU",3,100,100,300,300