Transparency: 0 to 255
・255 is the default.
Color elements: R, G, B each 0 to 255
・Color examples
Black | RGB(0,0,0) |
White | RGB(255,255,255) |
Light Gray | RGB(224,224,224) |
Gray | RGB(128,128,128) |
Dark Gray | RGB(64,64,64) |
Red | RGB(255,0,0) |
Pink | RGB(255,96,208) |
Purple | RGB(160,32,255) |
Light Blue | RGB(80,208,255) |
Blue | RGB(0,32,255) |
Yellow Green | RGB(96,255,128) |
Green | RGB(0,192,0) |
Yellow | RGB(255,224,32) |
Orange | RGB(255,160,16) |
Brown | RGB(160,128,96) |
Light Red | RGB(255,208,160) |
Color code calculated from the argument
C1=RGB(0,100,200) C2=RGB(128,0,100,200)
Replacement source color code
Replace color component
・Specify a value between 0 and 255.
・If each one is not specified, the corresponding component of the replacement source color code is used as it is.
Color code calculated from the argument
C1=RGB(#C_RED, 127,,,) 'Translucent red C2=RGB(#C_BLUE,,255,,) 'Purple
ARGB 8-bit color code
・See GCOLOR for a description of color codes.
Variable that receives the transparency information of the specified color code
・Returns a value between 0 and 255.
Variable that receives the color component information of the specified color code
・Returns values between 0 and 255 respectively.