SmileBASIC4 Replica Reference
1. Apply a fade effect to the display

FADE FadeColor

・The effect is the same as covering the entire display with a sprite filled with a fade color.



Fade color code

・The greater the alpha component, the darker the color.

2. Apply fade-in and fade-out effects

FADE FadeColor,Time

・Over time, change the fade color gradually from the current fade color to the specified color.



Fade color code

・The greater the alpha component, the darker the color.
・If the alpha component is 255, it's fade out effect.
・If the alpha component is 0, it's fade-in effect.


Specify the fade effect time with the frame count

・If there is no processing loss, 60 is 1 second.

3. Get the current fade color


Return Value

Current fade color

・You can also get the color during fade-in/fade-out.

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June 3, 2020
by mim