・The defined animation can be used with SPANIM and TANIM commands.
Animation definition number: 0 to 1023
Numeric value or string that manages the element to be changed
0 | "XY" | XY Coordinates |
1 | "Z" | Z Coordinate |
2 | "R" | Rotation Angle |
3 | "S" | Magnification XY |
4 | "C" | Display Color |
5 | "V" | Variable (value of sprite variable 7) |
6 | "UV" | UV Coordinates (definition source image coordinates) |
7 | "I" | Definition Number |
・If you add "+" to the end of the string or add 8 to the value, it will be the relative value from the animation start point.
・If you add "." to the end of the string or add 16 to the value, the sprite will be deleted when the animation ends.
1D numeric array that stores animation data
Loop count: 1 or more
・Specify 0 to make an infinite loop.
・1, if not specified.
・Animation data is prepared in the following order in the numerical array (up to 32).
・Time1,Item1,[Item2,] Time2,Item1,[Item2,]...
DIM PANIM[ 6 ] PANIM[0]=-60 'frame(-60=smooth) PANIM[1]=200 'offset X,Y PANIM[2]=100 PANIM[3]=-30 'frame PANIM[4]=50 'offset PANIM[5]=20 ANIMDEF 0,"XY",PANIM
・The defined animation can be used with SPANIM and TANIM commands.
Animation definition number: 0 to 1023
Numeric value or string that manages the element to be changed
0 | "XY" | XY Coordinates |
1 | "Z" | Z Coordinate |
2 | "R" | Rotation Angle |
3 | "S" | Magnification XY |
4 | "C" | Display Color |
5 | "V" | Variable (value of sprite variable 7) |
6 | "UV" | UV Coordinates (definition source image coordinates) |
7 | "I" | Definition Number |
・If you add "+" to the end of the string or add 8 to the value, it will be the relative value from the animation start point.
・If you add "." to the end of the string or add 16 to the value, the sprite will be deleted when the animation ends.
The first label of the DATA command that stores the animation data
A string containing the label name can be specified instead of the label.
Loop count: 1 or more
・Specify 0 to make an infinite loop.
・1, if not specified.
Animation data is prepared in the following order in the DATA instruction
DATA NumberOfKeyFrames(up to 32)
DATA Time1,Item1[,Item2]
DATA Time2,Item1[,Item2]
@MOVDATA DATA 2 'counter DATA -60,200,100 'frame,offset DATA -30,50,20 'frame,offset ANIMDEF 0,"XY",@MOVDATA
・The defined animation can be used with SPANIM and TANIM commands.
Animation definition number: 0 to 1023
Numeric value or string that manages the element to be changed
0 | "XY" | XY Coordinates |
1 | "Z" | Z Coordinate |
2 | "R" | Rotation Angle |
3 | "S" | Magnification XY |
4 | "C" | Display Color |
5 | "V" | Variable (value of sprite variable 7) |
6 | "UV" | UV Coordinates (definition source image coordinates) |
7 | "I" | Definition Number |
・If you add "+" to the end of the string or add 8 to the value, it will be the relative value from the animation start point.
・If you add "." to the end of the string or add 16 to the value, the sprite will be deleted when the animation ends.
・Animation data itself (up to 32 as many as necessary).
Loop count: 1 or more
・Specify 0 to make an infinite loop.
・1, if not specified.
ANIMDEF 0,"XY",-60,200,100,-30,50,20
Animation definition number to clear: 0 to 1023